How To Make A Natural Christmas Wreath

Deck the halls this Christmas with a homemade natural Christmas wreath.

We've put together this simple guide to help you make a DIY wreath to make your home merrier than ever. Follow our simple steps below to get started!

We hope you're tempted to give this a go. But if this sounds like too much effort (or you just don't have the time), we've got you covered with our stunning selection of stylish Christmas wreaths and floral decorations.

What you'll need

• Reel of 22 gauge floristry wire

• Wire wreath frame

• Secateurs or a sharp knife

• Evergreen foliage such as spruce, pine, holly, or eucalyptus - you can use a mix if preferred

• Filler foliage such as eucalyptus, fern, or bunches of berries.

• Ribbon

• Additional decorations such as dried or artificial fruit, pine cones, flowers, cinnamon, or berries.

1. Prepare the Foliage

Trim your evergreen and filler foliage into sections around 3-4 inches long, using a sharp knife or secateurs.

If you are using a mix of foliage, divide the different stems into small mixed bunches to keep the greenery evenly distributed around your wreath.

2. Add foliage to the wreath

Wrap the end of the floristry wire around the frame in a loop, twisting the end to keep it in place. Leave it attached to the reel.

Lay your bunches of foliage out around the wreath - this will help you to make sure you like your design and that the frame is fully covered. If you're happy with how it looks, start securing each section by wrapping the floristry wire tightly around the base of the stems, not cutting the wire until you're completely finished. We recommend working clockwise around the wreath.

When you've added all the foliage, wrap the wire around the wreath again to keep it secure. Finally, cut the wire from the reel, and tuck any loose ends out of sight.


3. Add Decorations

Your wreath base is ready, so it's time to have fun decorating. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your wreath. We've included some ideas above, but we especially love decorations like pine cones, dried oranges, and cinnamon for a really festive wintry look. If your Christmas tree can spare it, you can also add a few baubles or fairy lights to your wreath.

Tie wire around the base of each decoration, and then wrap the wire around the wreath frame, beneath the greenery. Make sure the foliage covers up any bits of wire.

Some decorations do need a little extra work to secure them properly. There are some extra tips below if you get stuck!


Cinnamon adds a lovely and enticing festive fragrance, and looks cute as well! To attach it to your wreath, tie a few cinnamon sticks into a bundle with ribbon, and pull the wire through the ribbon. Then, wrap the wire around the wreath frame, twisting it to ensure the cinnamon bundle is securely in place.


Dried or artificial fruit will work best on wreaths, as they'll last much longer. Dried oranges are perfect, giving you that classic Christmas morning feel. Pierce the fruit with a skewer, and then slide the wire into the hole so it appears on both ends of the fruit. Pull the two ends of the wire together and twist at the base of the fruit. Finally, tie the wire to your wreath frame, making sure it's secure.

You can also cut fruit into slices - simply pierce each slice with a needle, then pull the wire through the holes.


Pinecones are perfect for adding a earthy wintry look to your wreath. You can even paint them - metallic tones like gold, silver, and copper are great for some extra Christmas sparkle. These are best bought from a craft store, as they tend to be better quality. Brittle pinecones can break when you wire them.

Cut a piece of wire to around 6 inches, and wrap it around the base of the pine cone, so that the wire is hidden between the scales at the base. Twist the the ends of the wire, and then secure it to the wreath frame. Cut away any excess wire.

4. Add a Bow

Finally, finish off the look with a bow. Any style of bow can work, but we do love the elegance of a double bow.

To tie a double bow, pinch the ribbon 3 inches from the tail, then loop the ribbon back on itself leaving the tail loose; you should now have one loop. Now, loop back on yourself again and pin the ribbon together, keeping it in the same place as before. You should now have two loops opposite from each other. Repeat this until you have four loops with tails at each end. You may need to trim the tails of ribbon so that they match in length.

Next, secure this with your wire. Run the wire through the bow's main knot, and then slide the ends of the wire through the foliage and into the frame at an angle, to make sure it doesn't fall off.

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