7 Facts for the Jewish New Year


With the Jewish New Year fast approaching this September 24th, we felt some fun and interesting facts about the holiday would help get you in the mood.

The Jewish New Year is not celebrated quite like the Western world with alcohol and midnight parades. For the Jewish Religion, it is a time for introspection with the banishing of any mistakes made that year. Additionally, the planning for the New Year begins, considering any challenges that may await.

So lets get started. The number 7 to Judaism signals creation, good fortune and blessing. The bible is replete with things grouped in sevens; for instance, on the seventh day there are seven laws of Noah and seven Patriarchs and Matriarchs. Also, many Jewish holidays are seven days long and priestly ordination also takes seven days and this is just to name a few. OK one more, the Menorah in the Temple has seven branches.

With number 7 proving highly significant, we have put together 7 fun and intriguing facts about the Jewish New Year! We hope you can take something from them!


1)     Rosh Hashanah means, “head of the year” or “first of the year”. However, Rosh Hashanah is commonly known as the Jewish New Year but this name did not stem from the bible.

2)     There is a special prayer book called the 'Machzor' used for Rosh Hashanah because of the extensive liturgical changes for this holiday.

3)     In ancient times, Jewish people believed apples had the ability to heal and that honey symbolised the optimism of a sweet New Year. From this, one of the most popular food traditions each New Year is apples dipped in honey. This then symbolises a sweet New Year.




4)     The Jewish Holiday falls on the month of Tishrei, the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar. (Number 7 pops up again)

5)     A ram’s horn is blown during prayer services on Rosh Hashanah to arouse the people to repent and change their ways.




6)     Jewish tradition teaches that Rosh Hashanah is also the Day of Judgement. God is said to inscribe the fate of every person for the upcoming year in the 'Book of Life' or the 'Book of Death'. The verdict is not final until Yom Kippur 10 days later.

7)     At this time of the year, many Jews may follow a custom called Tashlich, otherwise known as ‘Casting Off’. This involves people walking to a naturally flowing body river or stream before reciting several prayers, reflecting upon their sins and symbolically casting them off by throwing their sins into the water. This is normally emulated in a piece of bread.


OK, one final fact. Here at Appleyard London, we are providing Jewish New Year Flowers that boast colour, emotion and celebrations. Our luxury flowers are designed to add to the spectacle that is the Jewish New Year.

Here is an example: Perfect Beginning  - this symbolises the 'Perfect Beginning' to the new Jewish Year. With colourful beauty in the form of Wow and Tara roses, blue agapanthus and cerise germini, this bouquet is the luxury start to a promising New Year. Visit Appleyardflowers.com for more flowers for this Jewish New Year.



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