Pastel Shade Flowers


Contemporary bouquets of a single variety delicately laced with muted shades or a mix of the subtlest pastels. Partnered with tender foliage, these ethereal treasures provide an exquisite gift for any occasion.

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2 Item(s)

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Pastel Bouquets Delivered

Whether it's a contemporary bouquet of a single variety of flower or a mix of flower stems in the subtlest pastels, these delicately toned bouquets are a perfect gift for any occasion. Choose from blooms in soft shades of blue, pink, white and more, from blousy blue hydrangeas to creamy pink roses. Our pastel flowers are sourced from our specialist growers and can be delivered with next day delivery.

For that extra special touch, we have added an array of exclusive gifts including chocolates, fine wines and champagne to complement the delivery of your chosen bouquet.

We care passionately about our flowers and care for them at every stage of the cycle, ensuring that they have a long drink as soon as they are cut to further enhance the longevity within the bouquet. Our pastel flowers are elegantly arranged, hand-tied, wrapped and immersed in a cooling pouch to keep their top-grade quality in perfect condition en route to your door. We are confident of our quality and therefore, all our flowers are covered by the Appleyard guarantee. 
