The RHS brought us a new show this year, with its inaugural Urban Show in Manchester - and we were lucky enough to pay a visit!
Hosted at Manchester's Mayfield Depot, the Urban Show made history as the first entirely indoor flower show in the UK, and had a unique focus on indoor and urban gardening. More and more people are living in homes without gardens or outdoor spaces, so the RHS wanted to show people how to make the most of limited space. They definitely managed this, with a huge range of inspiring and creative displays showcasing everything from leafy house plants to herbs and mushrooms.
If you're looking for some indoor gardening advice of your own, here are some of our top takeaways from the show.
1. The best plants for dark rooms
House plants can be notoriously fussy, but you can make life easier by picking plants that are well suited to your home. Light's the big factor here - although all plants need it, some are far better suited to dimmer environs.
If your home doesn't get much light opt for house plants that are happier in the shade, like ferns, ZZ plants, palms, and rubber plants, or use a grow light for sun-loving plants. Less light means they'll need less water too, as they'll grow more slowly - so take care not to overwater them.
If you're looking for some inspiration, this gorgeous bedroom displays features plenty of plants that don't mind lower light:

2. The best plants for sunny windows
Lots of light has its own issues as well - plants will usually dry out faster, so choosing drought-tolerant varieties like succulents and cacti can reduce your day to day upkeep. Remember as well that only a few plants can tolerate direct sunlight all the time without getting scorched. This means if you've got a bright south-facing window, it can be best to display your plants a few metres away from it, instead of directly on the windowsill.

3. The best plants for beginners
Just getting started with plants? There are plenty of low maintenance house plants that are perfect for beginners, or anyone who prefers a bit less fuss. Succulents and cacti often thrive on a bit of a neglect, only needing water every few weeks. Snake plants, ZZ plants, and yucca plants are all great picks - they grow fairly slowly, so don't need repotting often, and only need water around once a month. After a more tropical look? Leafy plants like spider plants and areca palms aren't too fussy, and are happy to dry out before being watered again.
Looking for more ideas? This colourful display designed by by Andrew Simpson and LGBTQ+ youth groups featured an eclectic range of low-maintenance plants for beginners:

4. Make use of vertical space
Love plants but short on space? Vertical planting is a fantastic way to make the most of limited space. You can use container planters on shelves to give yourself more room for plants, both indoors and for small gardens and balconies. Similarly, hanging pots make for a unique and eye catching way to display house plants, particularly those with trailing greenery or vines.

5. Growing food indoors
You don't need loads of outdoor space to grow your own food! The Garage Gardening exhibit at the Urban Show showcased how you can grow healthy superfoods like microgreens and mushrooms indoors. These can be grown all year round and don't need lots of space. Even better, they grow quickly, and will often be ready to eat in six weeks or less. Similarly, it's easy to grow herbs like mint, parsley, and thyme on a windowsill in your kitchen.

Feeling inspired? Find the perfect plant for your home with our gorgeous collection of house plants available with next day delivery nationwide.