Appleyard Debut In This Month's Vogue!


The whole team at Appleyard London are extremely excited to reveal to you that we can be seen in this month's edition of the fashion and lifestyle magazine, Vogue!

Vogue, who released their magazine on Friday - which is read by women all over the UK and beyond - have kindly included us in their January edition. This is BIG news for us!

If you have never before bought a Vogue magazine, we would highly recommend it as they include the highest levels of fashion, make up and everything in between… including Appleyard London’s luxury flowers.

Once you have your January edition in hand, boil the kettle, unplug the phone and take a seat. Have a flick through and you will find us under ‘Love From Vogue‘ as we all get begin to get ready for Valentine’s Day!

So here it is, as seen in Vogue magazine, check us out -


love-from-vogue-p1 VOGUE


The bouquet seen is our Goddess bouquet from our Valentines Flowers range! What do you think, sat there in first place?


VOGUE is here


Be sure to pop out to your local newsagents/supermarket to pick up your copy of Vogue or why not head over to their website to order your copy?  Look out for us and enjoy our little section as we take our luxury bouquets to a world renowned magazine!


Thank you Vogue!

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