Additional Information
Is this bouquet safe for pets? | This bouquet is safe for pets. |
How long should the bouquet last? | Our 100% Happiness Guarantee promises that each of our bouquets will last at least a week. If your bouquet doesn't last this long, or you have any other issues, you can learn how to redeem your Happiness Guarantee here. |
How should I care for this product? | We include care tips with all bouquets which will help your recipient get the most out of their flowers. For more information, read our Flower & Plant Care Essentials, where you can see care tips for specific stems as well as general tips for your bouquet. |
Will my flowers look like the picture? | We send these roses semi-bloomed. This helps to protect the delicate flowers in transit and means your bouquet will need a day or two in water to fully bloom and look like the picture. As these are letterbox flowers, you will also need to arrange the stems in a vase once they arrive. |
How are the flowers packaged? | The roses will have individual hydration pods to keep them healthy during their journey. |
Will the flowers come in water? | No |