Find out how to make a super green smoothie, it's quick and simple!
Smoothies are really quick and easy to make and are great for someone who is on the go! They are also fab for those of us who struggle to get in our 5 a day and they're delicious! So, we are going to give you a simple recipe on how to make a super green smoothie that you can drink on the go.
Super Green Smoothie Ingredients
- 3 cups green kale, stemmed + chopped
- 2 kiwi, skins removed
- 2 green apples, cored + chopped
- 1 pear, cored + chopped
- 1/3 avocado
- 1- 1 1/2 cups ice
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
Step 1
Remove the skin and chop the kiwi.
Health Benefit: Kiwi is extremely high in vitamin C, just one medium sized kiwi contains 154% of your daily recommended amount! This is great because vitamin C helps to prevent the common cold and boosts your immune system along with aiding wound healing.
Step 2
Remove the core and chop the apple but don't worry about removing the skin.
Health Benefit: Apples lower cholesterol & are rich in antioxidants, which are said to prevent memory loss.
Step 3
Chop up the pear. The good thing about this is that your chopping doesn't need to be neat nor do you need to be concerned about the size of the chunks, this will all be blended.
Health Benefit: Pears are one of the highest fibre fruits, offering six grams per medium-sized fruit. Ensuring you have enough fibre in your diet aids digestion and prevents bloating.
Step 4
The amount of avocado used can be altered to your preference just like any other ingredients, we would recommend scooping out about a third. Ensure skin is removed.
Health Benefit: Avocado has more Potassium than bananas! Potassium is an important mineral that most people don’t get enough of, it supports healthy blood pressure levels.
Step 5
Remove Kale stems and chop leaves.
Health Benefit: Kale is full of Vitamins and Antioxidants. It is a rich source of Vitamin K which aids prevention of blood clots, in one cup full it contains 7x the recommended daily amount. Kale also has cancer-fighting properties!
Step 6
Add all of the above ingredients into a blender along with your almond milk and ice then blend, Simple! Almond milk is low in fat, but high in energy and proteins, however, you do not need to use almond milk for this, you may use whichever type you prefer. You may also change add as much or as little as you like to achieve the desired consistency. The great thing about smoothies is that if there are certain ingredients that you do not like you can simply swap the ingredients for your preferred fruit or vegetable!
We hope that this blog provided you with useful directions on how to make a super green smoothie!