Additional Information
Is this bouquet safe for pets? | Pine and eucalyptus can have adverse effects on some animals if consumed in large quantities. Please keep this wreath out of the reach of pets. |
How long should the bouquet last? | Our wreaths are covered by our freshness guarantee, which promises they will stay fresh for at least 5 days, but in most cases will last much longer with proper care. We make sure we use long-lasting foliage and decorations, so typically our wreaths will last throughout the festive season, looking their best for the first 14 days. Your wreath will last longer outdoors - indoor heating will dry it out and reduce its lifespan. If your wreath doesn't last a week, or you have any other issues, you can learn how to redeem your Happiness Guarantee here. |
How should I care for this product? | When your wreath arrives, carefully unpack it. Don't worry if the bow looks a little flat or crumpled on arrival - it's made with a wire-edged ribbon and can easily be puffed back up. Hang the wreath in your desired location using the loop on the back. We recommend you hang it outside, as indoor heating will dry out your wreath and cause it to fade much more quickly. The wreath includes moss which holds moisture to keep the fresh foliage healthy. This moss will dry out over time, but you can mist the wreath every couple of days to rehydrate it. |
Will my flowers look like the picture? | Yes, this wreath does not need to bloom on arrival. |
How are the flowers packaged? | The wreath will be wrapped in cellophane and bubble wrap for protection, and packaged in a cardboard box. |
Will the flowers come in water? | The wreath includes moss which holds the moisture and helps to keep it healthy on its journey to you. The wreath can be misted every few days to rehydrate the moss and keep it fresh. |