Additional Information
Is this bouquet safe for pets? | Eucalyptus and pine can have adverse effects on some animals if consumed in large quantities. Please keep this hatbox out of the reach of pets. |
How long should the bouquet last? | This table centre is covered by our freshness guarantee, which promises it will stay fresh for at least 5 days. As any flowers fade, you can also add fresh ones to the floral foam if you like. If your table centre doesn't last this long, or you have any other issues, you can learn how to redeem your Happiness Guarantee here. |
How should I care for this product? | When your table centre arrives, carefully unpack it and place it on a table cloth or mat to avoid water stains. Insert the candle into the table centre. We recommend that you keep your table centre away from any heat sources which can cause it to dry out. We've created this table centre using floral foam, and you can top this up with additional water once a week. As the container is quite small, it's best to do this over a sink. You can also mist the table centre occasionally if the air is dry. Take care with the candle, making sure not to leave it unattended when lit. Don't allow the candle to burn down too close to the foliage. |
Will my flowers look like the picture? | Yes, this table centre does not need to bloom on arrival. |
How are the flowers packaged? | The table centre will be wrapped in cellophane and bubble wrap for protection, and packaged in a cardboard box. The candles will be wrapped separately in the box. |
Will the flowers come in water? | This arrangement arrives in hydrated floral foam. |