Florist Inspiration

Join us to celebrate our florist's favourite creation each month and learn a little bit about the history, heart and inspiration behind our bouquets.


just for march..

Lilac Rose & Peony

Delight her this Mother’s Day with a sumptuous bouquet of early season pink peonies, beautifully complemented by lilac memory lane roses, white lisianthus, and blue veronica.


View Lilac Rose & Peony


Rebecca - Floral Specialist


floral specialist
appleyard london

"Beautifully iconic, peonies steal the show in any bouquet. Here, they are combined with lilac memory lane roses to create an arrangement full of delightful pastel tones. We’ve added white carnations, lisiantus, and ammi to add soft tones and delicate textures that complement the ruffled, luxurious petals of the peonies.”

what stems are in the mix?

Sarah Bernhardt Peonies, Memory Lane Roses, White Lisianthus, Blue Veronica, White Carnations & Ammi

Sarah Bernhardt Peonies

Sarah Bernhardt Peonies

Enchanting peonies with huge blooms & layers of ruffled petals in pastel pink. Peonies symbolise romance, elegance, wealth and abundance.

  Memory Lane Roses

Memory Lane Roses

Unique and rare roses with a charming vintage lilac colour. Lavender roses are said to signify enchantment, and love at first sight.

  White Lisianthus

White Lisianthus

Crisp white bell shaped blooms with delicate ruffles. These pretty flowers signify friendship and appreciation.

  Blue Veronica

Blue Veronica

Blue Veronica’s striking wands of periwinkle blue flowers fade into lush green tones, adding eye-catching detail. They are symbolic of fidelity.

  White Carnations

White Carnations

Long lasting, snowy white flowers symbolising gratitude, love, and luck.



Elegant stems with dense heads of miniature, feathery white blooms. Ammi signify warmth and sanctuary.


caring for

Lilac Rose & Peony

Peonies arrive in bud ready to bloom, but just need a little extra help from you. Firstly, trim all the stems by 2 - 3cm and wash away any sticky sap from the peony buds. Ensure that you carefully remove any discoloured guard petals from the roses.

You can then place the flowers into a vase of deep water & enjoy watching them unfurl over the next couple of days.

Flower Care Tips

View Lilac Rose & Peony

this bouquet is perfect for...

A delightful Mother’s Day gift! The peony is one of our most popular stems, and it’s unusual to find them at this time of year, making this bouquet a delightful surprise for Mum.

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